Fourmula and its subsidiaries provide and operate (i) our services (hereinafter the "Services”) that are accessible via terminals, whether a computer, smartphone, tablet or any other platform (hereinafter the "Terminal"), as well as (ii) Internet Services and mobile applications published by Fourmula and its subsidiaries (hereinafter "Fourmula").

When you consult Fourmula Services, cookies and other tracking devices are placed on your Terminal.

This page gives you a better understanding of how cookies on our Services work and how to use the various tools available to set (accept or reject) them.

Your installation and/or use of these Services and/or submission of information to us constitute your consent to this Cookies Policy and the processing of your personal information. This Cookies Policy is effective as of April 1, 2022.


This Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, how Fourmula and its subsidiaries use cookies on their websites and their mobile apps and what you can do to manage how cookies are used.

We are committed to protecting the personal information we collect when you use our websites, mobile apps and other services. We are informing you in a transparent way about our policy regarding the deposit and use of cookies from our sites to your connection terminal.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are tiny text files sent to your device browser or application by a server, which are then stored on your computer's hard drive or mobile device when you visit certain webpages or apps. They identify your computer or mobile device and may collect and store information—such as behavioral data—about your visit to our Services.

Cookies are very useful and allow a website to recognize you, to signal your passage on this or that page, and to provide you with additional services: improving your navigational comfort, securing your connection or adapting the contents of a page to your interests. The information stored by the cookies, which are valid for a limited period of time, relates in particular to the pages visited, the advertisements on which you have clicked, the type of browser you use, and the information you have entered on a site in order to avoid having to enter it again.

Cookies do not contain any personal information but may be associated with the personal information you have provided to us.

In addition, other types of identifiers with an object similar to a cookie may be used by Fourmula, such as the advertising identifier of a smartphone ("GAID", "IDFA", “Advertisement ID").

Should you choose to submit personal information to us, we may link cookie information to such personal information. In that case, you can exercise your privacy rights as specified in Fourmula's Privacy Policy.

If you do not accept cookies, or if you delete cookies, you may no longer be able to use a number of features that may be necessary to use our Services. Fourmula cannot be held liable for consequences relating to the degraded or suboptimal functioning of the Services that result from the inability to record or consult cookies.

What types of cookies do we use and for what purposes?

Our websites may use several types of cookies, as listed below. Some of them are mandatory for the proper functioning of websites you access. When the use of a cookie requires your explicit prior consent, you will be directly informed through a banner on the website you want to access. You will also have the ability to withdraw your consent at any time.

How long are they stored?

The cookies are not stored for longer than 13 months.

Which companies send cookies?

Cookies and other trackers from Fourmula

Fourmula deposits cookies on your Terminal or allows the deposit of external (third party) cookies in order to process data on its behalf. In this case, as the entity responsible for processing the cookies placed when using the Services, viewing videos or clicking on advertising spaces, Fourmula determines the means and purposes of the processing carried out on the data collected using these cookies.

Cookies make it possible to identify your interests through the pages you consult on our Services and we may also personalize advertising offers addressed to you on third-party sites. Please note that ads are not personalized to respect legal requirements for age limits for children in the country where those children live.

Cookies and trackers from partners

Advertising cookies from advertising partners

Advertising cookies are placed by third-party companies (such as, in particular, advertisers, advertising agencies, communication consulting agencies, audience measurement companies, targeted advertising providers, etc.) in the advertising space on our Site, the use of which contributes to the financing of the content and services that we make available to you free of charge.

These cookies make it possible, first of all, to count the total number of ads displayed in our advertising spaces, to identify these ads, their respective number of displays, the number of users who clicked on each ad and, where applicable, the subsequent actions taken by these users on the pages to which these ads lead, in order to calculate the amounts owed to the actors in the advertising distribution chain (communication agency, advertising network, site/distribution medium) and to establish statistics.

These advertising cookies also make it possible to adapt the advertising content in our advertising spaces that is displayed on your device, based on the navigation performed by your device on our Site, or even, if applicable, based on the location data transmitted by your device (behavioral advertising). This way, you can view the advertisement that we think is best suited to the anonymous profile of how you use your device. These cookies can also limit the number of times you see the same ad on the same medium.

We do not have subsequent control over the cookies deposited by third-party companies that act independently. These cookies are subject to the privacy policies of these third parties. However, if you wish to reject all or part of the cookies, we invite you to follow the tips below.

Social network cookies (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) generated by “share” buttons

We may include computer applications from third parties on our Site. These allow you to share content from our Site with third parties. This is the case, for example, for the "Share" and "Like" buttons, which come from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

The social network providing a “share” button is likely to identify you through this function, even if you did not use this button during your consultation. Indeed, this type of button may allow the relevant social network to track your browsing on our Site, simply because your social network account was activated on your device (open session) during your visit.

We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about your browsing on our Site and associated with the personal information they hold. We invite you to consult the privacy policies of these social networks to learn about the purposes for which they use the browsing information (including advertising) they may collect through these application buttons and how to disable tracking by them.

How do I accept or reject cookies?

On your first visit to a Fourmula website

A banner informs you about the collection of cookies and the purpose of this collection.

If you confirm your acceptance of cookies by clicking on the ”Agree & close” button within this banner, your consent is considered to have been obtained. The banner requesting that you accept cookies will then no longer appear on your screen.

If you click on "Learn more," you will be redirected to the cookie management page, which allows you to directly accept or reject all or part of the cookies from the Site (with the exception of functional cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the Site, as indicated above).

On this page, if you click on “Refuse all," no cookies will be stored on your devices (with the exception of functional cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the Site, as indicated above).

Whatever your initial choice, you may change your mind at any time and choose to accept or reject all or part of these cookies using either of these methods:

From the site: A link to the cookie management page is available at any time at the bottom of this site; it is called "Manage your cookies choices" and allows you to customize your cookie preferences.

Through your browser or through the use of professional platforms for this purpose: The functional cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the Site cannot be disabled, as indicated above.

Your browser can be set to notify you of the cookies that are deposited on your computer and ask you to accept them or not. You can accept or reject cookies on a case-by-case basis or reject them consistently once and for all.

We remind you that the refusal of cookies is likely to modify your conditions of access to our Sites as well as their use. In order to manage the cookies to meet your expectations as closely as possible, we invite you to set your browser while taking into account the purpose of the cookies as mentioned above.

The configuration of each browser is different with regard to the management of the cookies and your choices. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the website, which offers guidance for all modern browsers.

You will be able to see the companies that are registered on this platform and refuse or accept cookies likely to be used to adapt advertisements to the navigation of your computer.

Limit Ad Tracking / Do Not Track

You can set your computer’s browser so that it sends a code indicating to websites that you do not want to be tracked. This option is commonly known as "Do Not Track."

You can also set your mobile devices to limit ad tracking or reinitialize your advertising identifier.


We reserve the right to change this Cookies Policy at any time. In the event that we make material changes to this Cookies Policy, it will be re-posted in the "Cookies" section of our Websites with the date the modifications were made indicated at the top of the page. Therefore, please review this Cookies Policy from time to time so that you are aware when any changes are made to it. Your continued use of the Websites after such change(s) constitutes your acceptance of any such change(s), and if you do not accept any changes, you may choose not to use the Websites.